When Detours bring Destiny

When Mama turned the calendar page, my heart turned the corner. I seldom felt ready when September appeared. From the breakfast room wall, square patterns dangled the days filled with lists, schedules, and the….

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The Glory of Sunday…

Sometimes it’s those brief, short-lived moments, however temporary and fleeting they may be; which leave memorable impressions, lasting a life-time. Declining all meals and dressed like she was grieving, I decided….

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‘Purely Seen’

Activities, agendas, checklists, schedules, dates, plans, programs; as women the temptation to stumble into striving is always ‘right’ there – right there in the lie that claims; we have to do it ‘all’ or at least attempt to. It’s easy to get into the cycle of believing; that the more we do, equates with being more important, more successful, more fruitful or even more loved and valued by God.

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