The Why of Writing

1144The Why of Writing: it helps to steady my heart right with His.

Writing is simply a way for me to transcribe the work His Word is doing in my heart.  How it reaches and teaches, renews and restores, how it transforms and conforms my character to resemble His.

The writing journey isn’t all about pen and paper and properly delivering our words and conveying our opinions- (though that happens).  It’s about rightly dividing His Word and how each one of His words gets pressed like permanent ink – permanently changing lives.

Writing helps connect my heart to His.

It’s not about being artsy or fancy with words, it’s about being authentic – authentic with our lives.  Our best lines can’t compare with the line upon line in His Word.  Even the greatest phrases that inspire and are passed down through generations are but a mere extension – of His Word.

Writing isn’t about giving message as much as it is connecting to His message. Hearing it, receiving it, believing it, proclaiming it and most of all – living it. Since the beginning of this Christ following pilgrimage, penning in journals has been the most reliable and honest way for me to express my prayers and commune with God.

Writing helps me let go of my thoughts,
so I can hear His.


Keeping a journal is sort of like 48keeping record of the journey. By marking the trails we’ve walked and the trials we’ve come through, we have a point of reference to return, when we need reminding.

And we all need reminding.

How quickly we can forget; even after answered prayer and promises come to pass.  So here in the wrinkled, scribbled, highlighted pages, we find these personal landmarks for the soul to return.

“Set up signposts, make landmarks; Set your heart toward the highway, the way in which you went. Turn back” (Jer.31:21).


When struggles start to skew our vision and we’ve wandered from The Way, we can turn back to these landmarks in His Word.  Discovering once again faithful footprints of Grace, gently guiding us back to the straight and narrow way.

Recalling the moments of victory we’ve shared on the mountains with God, gives us strength to stand strong in those valley battles below.

And little by little, line upon line, the Holy scripture is scripted on more than just the pages of a journal. . .


It’s written in us and through us – through each season of this inside journey.  In struggles and sorrows and in all the glorious joys, the Word is weaving together our life story.

And through His story ~ ours is written.


As I pen His Word on the tablet of my journal, He engraves it on the tablet of my heart. In these sacred quiet pages, His Word meets our broken ones and hurting ones, offering hopeful ones and healing ones. Giving us His Blessed Bread for our brokenness.

I believe we are the ones profoundly impacted by the words we write.  We’re not meant to understand all circumstances – we’re called to commit them to His care. And through sharing and entrusting –

We grow a new perspective. The right perspective with an eternal view.








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  1. Yes, yes, and yes. “Writing connects my heart with His.” I love the way you put that for it is so true. Enjoying looking around your beautiful site! So nice to meet a new blogger. I’ll look forward to staying in touch.

  2. Thank You….I fight many demons and sometimes lose the battles but keep struggling to win the war….your heart-felt words are calming and cleansing…..THANK YOU

  3. Bonita Wildflower


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