My alarm went off, (“Mama, Mama”). But that dawn came slow stretching, to awaken. And before the coffee began to drip, I held my empty cup exhaustedly to Him, utterly dependent on those morning mercies, to meet the call of “Mama”.
But hey, some late nights are worth waking to heavy feet and hazy eyes – that crimson glaze of Glory, blazing from unrelenting prayers, of a fervent, worthy pursuit.
And sometimes it takes losing sweet sleep, to be awakened from deep slumber.
Because there is a battle waging war – the unseen can suddenly catch me off guard, when caught up with thoughts, I should be casting down.
So I put on this armor. Carefully positioning each piece, I sense it securing every weak part of me – strong. All that’s fragile, held safe and fenced in, by this fortress.
The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe (Prov.18:10).
And my friend, she’s a military wife. She tells me just how secure a fortress is – impenetrable, can’t be pierced or punctured through.
So, I suit up with these well-made weapons, remembering they’re strong enough, to bring strongholds down. Because the only stronghold, I want strongly holding my heart, is the one I’m pressing hard between the folded pages, upon my lap.
Amidst all the highlights and scribbles of prayers and promises, I find some courage to lift this shield. And suddenly I remember, the armor’s fierce strength, to stop every fiery dart, from reaching my heart.
When you’re under attack, when the enemy aims his arsenal for an all out assault on your heart, this is not the time to retreat. It’s life or death, fight to the finish-line of faith.
The battles is His – but the war is ours.
Because real surrender is certainly a war worth engaging. And if it means, bent knees till I can no longer feel them; then I rather numb knees, than a numb heart.
And I much rather endure inconvenienced discomfort, of being worn out; than bear the weight of despair and discontent, till it wears me out of endurance, joy and strength.
So I repeat His Word, till it gets down – deep down, till I can stand. Though pins and needles take a moment to shake off, my heart is fixed, my gaze is set and my strength is certainly, steady felt.
His indispensable weapons, give me indescribable peace.
Peace to allow Him to prove His Word, before trying to prove my side. For He fights and defends on our behalf – our job is simply, to stand camel kneed, upon that promise!
Cause you and me, we’ve got VIP privilege to unload every uncertainty and burden, beside promises like this: Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved (Psalm 55:22).
Not be moved.
Casting my cares, keeps the uncertainties of turbulent storms and opposition around me, from occurring and stirring, within me.
Because the battle, it’s His, right?
Do not be afraid nor dismayed . . .for the battle is not yours, but God’s (2Chron.20:15).
And because the victory is His, it’s our too!
So I’ll rest in this armor, trusting in the shield’s defense, the helmet’s protection, the Sword’s strength, and every other well-equipped, perfectly appointed, piece.
So go ahead, suit up, stand strong – unburdened by any battle!
Scripture for your Heart:
God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.{ Ephesians 6:10-12}
“Peace to allow Him to prove His Word, before trying to prove my side…” I have done this. Such a good post and gorgeous website!
I LOVE this part of what you wrote … “Because real surrender is certainly a war worth engaging. And if it means, bent knees till I can no longer feel them; then I rather numb knees, than a numb heart.” Every letter of every word is blessed by the very hand of Jesus! Remember… You’ll know, when He tells you to go
Love you my dear friend
Korin Ericsson
This is good! And so timely! I needed this fresh reminder more than you know and I needed this awesome truth! Sometimes we get caught up in life and forget our security in Christ. We forget the promises and what He has blessed us with to face each day. Thank you for sharing. I am putting the armor back into practice everyday again. Thank you for the recharge and challenge to keep armored up daily. This is a battle that yes, belongs to the Lord, but I will gladly not back down from my part. Good word sister Jessica.
Krystl V.
A great reminder, thanks.