READ: [James 1:23-24] Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.
Why is that – why do we quickly forget the words, the Word says about us? How do I go from marveling in awe at His tender voice of truth, to being trapped by the echoes of billboards, magazines and the pressure to present myself in a way that pleases man?
Even after gazing forward in the mirror of grace, I tend to step backwards, forgetting the glory of my Savior’s face – the One that looks upon mine, seeing beauty, speaking beloved, who affirmatively secures my belonging.
And I’m learning not to downplay the daily discipline of devotional time.
It’s where truth reminds me, not to let this fading world define me, but instead, allow the Word to refine me – for refinement brings freedom.
Refinement is where my real reflection is revealed, it’s where I realize that in being an imitation of Christ’s image – my unique identity is divinely discovered.
Yet still I scrutinize detail before I dare exit the door, standing to check my appearance in fragile glass, rather than bow to behold His image and my reflection in the mirror of truth – the one that is solid, sturdy and will never shatter.
I want to be presentable before I enter the presence of man, but the wiser pursuit is to first enter His presence – the only one thing, that makes me truly presentable.
Examining reflections from shiny glass mirrors, we see both beauty and flaws. Although, some of us might prefer to keep the examining part to a minimum. The longer we look, the more increasingly apparent our blemishes become. And oh, how those florescent lights can wreck havoc on our ‘self’-confidence.
Yet examining is just what I need – it’s what I need to properly see truth and receive grace.
Some of us, [ahem] are very good at hiding and disguising – not only the flaws of our face, but inner fears and secret faults. We cover up what we don’t want others to see and what we don’t want to face, but we don’t need more cosmetics to conceal our blemishes.
We need a better foundation.
And not the temporary one we apply to cover marks and scars – but the One who wears the scars, so our marks can be permanently wiped away.
With my gaze inward towards the mirror of His Word, insecurity seems to vanish and I begin to see value as He does. And while these gifts of grace I’m unworthy of – He’s found you and me to be of immense, immeasurable worth.
How do I know? Because worth is based on the cost of something and the price He paid to pardon and purchase you and me is so high, it’s incalculable.
And only in identifying my image with His, can I rest secure in my individual identity and worth.
And I’m learning, learning to trust He is trustworthy to know all of me. He won’t disclose to others the things we discuss. He won’t embarrass me, He wants to embrace me.
Breathing deep and laying aside pride and fear, I reach for His Word and place it like a mirror in front of my heart, quietly whispering to the Spirit, “Come search me, know me and try me. Reveal what needs revealing, uncover what’s covered, so that your purposes and plans continue unfolding in my life.”
It doesn’t come natural, but when we continually bow before His Word, we’ll be able to stand before any glass mirror and behold the beauty of our real reflection – the beauty of being made in His image.
And when we realize that our real identity is identified in the mirror of God’s Word, not the one mounted in our wardrobe, insecurity fades with the truth that strongly speaks and softly reads:
Your a Beautiful Daughter.
[Jeremiah 31:3] “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.”
[Eph. 1:6] “He made us accepted in the Beloved.”
[Genesis 1:27] “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them.”
[Psalm 45:13] “The royal daughter is all glorious within the palace.”
What a beautiful message. It has blessed my heart!
Sweet sister, I’m thankful for you! Praying you continue to confidently hold His truth ever so close!
I’m always blessed by your words, Jess. Not allowing the world to define us: it’s something God has been writing on my heart in the past 6 months. That people-approval pales to being right before Him. I don’t have to strive for His approval. And I love what you say about His guarding that which we bring Him. There is no one more trusted than our Counselor and High Priest. Love you, friend. xoxo
Oh, don’t you just love that Tiff…He’s truly a trusted confidant – one who sees our ‘stuff’ and still guards our hearts with fierce loyalty! May His tender voice of Truth be what your heart hears most in this new season! And you are certainly CHERISHED!!
So well written. Encouraging word with scriptures. You have touched the heart of the matter. ..the foundation needs to be changed.
God bless you
Your encouragement blesses – may you go out being reminded you are His beloved – chosen and cherished!! Blessings dear!